Cathy M. Markland is a certified interpreter working in the NYC Metro area. A graduate of Gallaudet (College) University in 1979 earning an A.A. degree in Sign Language interpreting. She went on to pass and receive her C.S.C. and her C.I. and C.T. Cathy worked at LaGuardia Community College for 19 years as she went to Western Maryland College to earn her first M.S. degree in the Teaching Interpreting Program. Currently, Cathy is working as a staff interpreter for the Department of Education in the Office of Sign Language Interpreting Services (OSLIS).
In 1993 Cathy graduated from Hunter College studying for a second Master’s to teach K-12 Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Currently waiting for Broadway and other theaters to reopen as Theatrical interpreting is one of her true passions. Working with students and helping them to "Breathe and Believe" in themselves and the interpreting process gives Cathy an enormous amount of delight and satisfaction.
Cathy Markland
Broadway Books First Class